Bakewell Biscuits Pvt. Ltd.

Biscuits For Travel

Posted by Admin on September, 01, 2012

Earlier when people had to take long journeys, especially at sea, they used to take a cook and necessary food ingredients with them. With the development of Baking process an easy to make, easy to carry and easy to store fast food product was introduced, which was of course the biscuit.

An interesting fact about biscuits is that in Australia and New Zealand during World War I, the women used to make hard biscuits for the soldiers. These biscuits were called soldier biscuits as they were made in such a way as to survive the long journeys. Later on these biscuits were called ANZAC biscuits.

Biscuits generally soften with time. To avoid this problem, people started baking them hard. Biscuits were baked twice or thrice to make them as hard as possible so that they become durable and suitable as travel food.

Biscuits For Travel
Biscuits that are made for travel purposes are more reliable and durable. The reasons for their reliability are:

Eggs Are Avoided: Egg is not used in the making of these biscuits. Eggs are used in baking products like cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. to make the food products soft. Therefore it is to use eggs are deliberately avoided, if the biscuits are to be made long lasting.

Cream Is Avoided: Cream is also avoided because it also makes the biscuits very soft.

Golden Syrup: Golden syrup or the refined sugar syrup is used which almost looks like honey. The purpose behind using Golden Syrup is that this syrup binds the ingredients together and when the paste dries up and baked, the biscuits become hard.

How To Prevent Biscuits From Breaking

  • Do not pack biscuits when they are hot, let them cool first, as hot biscuits are more delicate and break very easily.
  • Use superior quality packing material, so that the biscuits do not crumble during a long journey.
  • If biscuits are to be placed in ready-made biscuits container, then fill the empty space with foil paper.
  • Use airtight containers.

Biscuit and other snacks taste good only as long as they are crisp and fresh. If one takes all the above mentioned points into consideration, while making them, it will ensure that they remain so throughout the journey.

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